Scriptures in Dialogue - Leo Baeck Quran Course

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This temporary website is under construction for the academic course, "Introduction to Classical Study of the Quran" at Leo Baeck College. Please visit us again soon. In the meantime, please visit the Scripture Study and Scriptural Reasoning links below:

Introduction to Classical Study of the Quran, Leo Baeck College

Course Outline

Session 1: How Does Classical Islamic Scholarship Interpret the Quran?

Lecture 1

Lecture 1 (Printer Friendly)

Comparative Hebrew-Arabic Grammar

Judaeo-Arabic (historical transliteration)

Judaeo-Arabic (philological transliteration)


Session 2: Continuity and Contrast with the People of the Book

Lecture 2

Lecture 2 (Printer Friendly)

Rabbis and Imams Shiur

Judaeo-Arabic Transcription of Narrative on Abraham and the Idols in Quran 21:51-70

Reading of Scripture



Leo Baeck College

The Scriptural Reasoning Society

Scriptural Reasoning Discussion Forum

Scriptural Reasoning - An Islamic Fatwa

World Congress of Imams and Rabbis for Peace


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