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Judaeo-Arabic Transcription of Jerusalem Verse in Quran 17:1
Ibn Kathir's Commentary on Jerusalem in Quran 17:1
al-Tabari's Commentary on Jerusalem in Quran 17:1
al-Qurtubi's Commentary on Jerusalem in Quran 17:1
Sayyid Qutb's Commentary on Jerusalem in Quran 17:1
Imran Hosein's Jerusalem in the Quran - as a background example of popular literature on this issue
Judaeo-Arabic Transcription of Holy Land Verse in Quran 5:21
Ibn Kathir's Commentary on the Holy Land in Quran 5:21
al-Tabari's Commentary on the Holy Land in Quran 5:21
Sayyid Qutb's Commentary on the Holy Land in Quran 5:21