Scriptures in Dialogue - Leo Baeck Quran Course
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Sessions 7 and 8: Narratives from the Sura of Joseph
Translations of Quran 12
Commentary of the Two Jalals on the Narrative of Joseph in Quran 12
Sessions 9 and 10: Narratives from the Exodus
Translations of Quran 20
Commentary of the Two Jalals on Exodus Narratives in Quran 20:1-104
al-Tabari's Commentary on Exodus Narratives in Quran 2:49-50
Session 11: Marriage and Divorce
Translations of Quran 2
Ibn Kathir's Commentary on Marriage and Divorce Law in Quran 2:221-237
al-Qurtubi's Commentary on Marriage Law in Quran 5:5
Leo Baeck College
The Scriptural Reasoning Society
Scriptural Reasoning Discussion Forum
Scriptural Reasoning - An Islamic Fatwa
World Congress of Imams and Rabbis for Peace